Portland PE teacher’s TikTok invitation brings pop star Justin Timberlake to join local kids’ bike-to-school program.
PORTLAND, Ore. — A viral social media wish became reality Sunday when Justin Timberlake joined about 200 Portland children and families for their “bike bus” ride to school, The Oregonian reported.
The pop star’s appearance followed a social media campaign that began in October when BikeBusPDX posted an invitation video that accumulated 6.9 million TikTok views and 4.5 million Instagram views, according to The Oregonian’s follow-up coverage.
Timberlake joined the half-mile ride down Northeast Klickitat Street to Alameda Elementary School, while his team played his hits, including “Mirrors,” from bike-mounted speakers. The singer briefly posed for photos with children before departing, The Oregonian reported.
“It wasn’t a school-sanctioned thing,” Ian Downard, a Bike Bus volunteer and parent, told The Oregonian. “I mean it never is.” Downard noted that Timberlake’s team was impressed by the turnout for the special Sunday …