India mourns the loss of legendary filmmaker Shyam Benegal, who passed away at the age of 90 on December 23, 2024, in Mumbai. A pioneer of the Indian parallel cinema movement, Benegal was celebrated for his cinematic works that masterfully intertwined realism and social commentary. He leaves behind his wife, Nira Benegal, and daughter, Pia Benegal, who confirmed the cause of death as chronic kidney disease, a condition he had been battling for several years.
A Life Dedicated to Cinema
Born in Hyderabad to Sridhar B Benegal, a renowned photographer, Shyam Benegal’s journey into the world of cinema was marked by an undying passion for storytelling. His career began as a copywriter, but his creative spirit soon led him to filmmaking. In 1962, he directed his first documentary, Gher Betha Ganga, in Gujarati. Over the decades, he became synonymous with films that challenged societal norms and portrayed the intricacies of human relationships.
Benegal’s breakthrough feature, …