How to
start a parent and toddler group
start a youth group
Start an afterschool group
Lead an intergenerational service
Run a Christian Union
Create a vision for CYF Ministry
Create a vision for youth ministry in your parish
Recruit a youth minister
Understand Social Media
Understand Safeguarding
Support your youth minister
Run a youth bible study
Approach transition from yr6
Approach transition from yr13
Engage with secondary schools
Support the parents & families of young people
Recruit, train & lead volunteers
Establish a mentoring programme
Establish a young leaders’ programme
Organise a residential
Communicate with church leaders as a youth or children’s worker
Policies and Processes
Sample Job descriptions
Sample Interview Questions
Safeguarding (links to the SG pages)
Volunteer Recruitment
Social Media Policy
External Resources
Messy Church – A way of being church for families and others. Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
Prayer spaces in schools– Creating space in schools where pupils can pause to …