Renowned Tejano artist Rick Balderrama has premiered the official music video for his deeply emotional new single, “Hermanito Mio,” dedicated to his brother Richie Balderrama. This touching tribute comes after Richie bravely faced significant health challenges, culminating in a successful liver transplant operation earlier this year.
In an exclusive interview with Tejano Nation Radio host Romeo, Rick shared the journey behind the song and his brother’s recovery. “We’re doing great, man. We are both doing great. He’s doing very good. I gave him 70% of my liver. His color changed already,” Rick recounted. “He still goes to the hospital once a week just to make sure his levels are right and everything like that. But for the most part, he’s feeling good and doing good. Not like it was for almost nine years he had been going through this, you know. He needed a full liver.”
Rick’s determination to help his brother was …