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Sea of Thieves outlines plans to temporarily remove features and address bugs plaguing Season 14 [Video]

The season of Making Mischief in Sea of Thieves has instead resulted in making headaches for Rare Ltd. and making players grumpy, as the Season 14 update arrived with a significant number of bugs. The situation hasn’t gotten much better since then, which has prompted production director Drew Stevens to once more sit before players in a video to explain what’s being done about it.

Stevens discusses “pretty drastic steps” being taken, starting first with a priority on stabilizing the game overall. Stevens calls out problems caused by crouching in particular, which managed to introduce an invisibility exploit and reintroduce previously removed exploits like quick-switching weapons and midair control for players shot out of a cannon.

As a result, crouching and disguises are turned off but will be brought back in a hotfix alongside fixes for “high-impact issues” after the patch passes more stringent quality control; expect this update sometime next week.

Following that, an …

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