Angel Fleet, a critically acclaimed short film directed by Tristan Loraine, masterfully weaves history and human emotion, featuring iconic WWII aircraft the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress and the North American P-51 Mustang. With its focus on the sacrifices and resilience of wartime aviators and their families, the film honours their enduring legacy while shedding light on historical events that shaped the modern world.
Set against the backdrop of rural West Sussex in England, the story follows a grieving family as they cope with the loss of their RAF test pilot patriarch. The mother channels her sorrow into organising commemorations for fallen aviators, while her daughters investigate mysterious events at a WWII airfield.
One of the centrepieces of the film, the last airworthy B-17 Flying Fortress in Europe, serves as a powerful symbol of wartime endurance. Known as a heavy bomber critical to Allied campaigns, the B-17 played a pivotal role …