Victor Bogopane, better known by his stage name Doc Shebeleza, a trailblazer in South African Kwaito music, has passed away at the age of 51. His family confirmed his death, which has been met with widespread sorrow across the nation and beyond.
Doc Shebeleza was a cornerstone of the Kwaito genre, rising to prominence with iconic hits such as Ghets Ghetsa, S’kumfete, and Ebumnandini. His music not only defined a generation but also played a crucial role in shaping South Africa’s cultural identity during the post-apartheid era.
The musician had been battling illness and was recently discharged from the hospital, allowing him to spend the festive season at home with his loved ones. His death marks the end of a remarkable journey in South African music, leaving an indelible mark on the industry.
Tributes have poured in from fans, fellow musicians, and industry figures, all commemorating the life and legacy of …