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Stan’s doco Reefshot is about protecting the Great Barrier Reef [Video]

As climate change breathes down the earth’s neck, Stan has announced a documentary that shows how a special group is protecting Australia’s own seventh wonder of the natural world.

Revealed: Reefshot, premiering on June 5 documents the incredible true story of a group of conservationists, scientists, Traditional Owners and everyday citizens working together to protect the Great Barrier Reef from the effects of climate change.

The feature-length doco will venture below the surface to witness a community fighting to protect the world’s largest living structure, for future generations.

Film producer Andy Ridley will lead the film as he rally’s the public and utilises new methods for tackling environmental issues along the reef by blending Traditional Ecological Knowledge with modern science to survey and protect the Reef.

Ridley will conduct the third Great Reef Census, surveying over 500 reefs and documenting over 75,000 images since 2020.

You will be able to experience how a revolution in conservation …

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