Stevie D has premiered the official music video for his latest single “Calla,” a reimagined version of the iconic Grupo Mazz hit written by Jimmy Gonzalez and Adolfo Garcia. The new track, produced by Stevie D and Freddie Martinez, Jr., brings fresh life to the original, turning the up-tempo Tejano ranchera into a powerful, soaring pop ballad that showcases Stevie D’s musical versatility.
The track features a lush arrangement with layered keyboards, strings, and piano, paired with an incredible vocal performance by Stevie D. He is again joined by the dynamic Rebecca Valadez, whose vocal talents elevate the song to new heights.
In a video shared on social media, Stevie D expressed his excitement about the music video directed by MikeShotIt, saying, “I think this video is simple, but with a lot of feeling and emotion. And I really think that it’s my best video. I really think it’s the …