Marketing Podcasts

Sylvan Adams responds to Roger Waters reacting to his idea of a Pink Floyd reunion to support Israel [Video]

Roger Waters listens to The CJN Daily? He purports to have heard my recent conversation with Ellin Bessner, based on what he wrote in response to the podcast episode about protesters vandalizing the construction site of the Sylvan Adams Sports Science Institute on the campus of McGill University in Montreal on Oct. 7, 2024.

More likely, the anti-Israel musician—active as a frontman for the British band Pink Floyd from 1965 to 1982, followed by a solo career increasingly intertwined with political activism—has never actually listened to a podcast published by The Canadian Jewish News. It seems more likely that his virulent attack on me as a “looney Zionist billionaire” in a screed attached to his byline in a Canadian publication called Rabble (I had never heard of it before) was ghostwritten by a paid army of haters.

This is their job: to smear the good name of Israel and Jews around the world. Who’s paying them? Evidence points to Qatar and Iran—and …

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