Selena Gomez is engaged to her year-long boyfriend Benny Blanco, and the Only Murders in the Building actress announced the news on her Instagram with a carousel of pictures. First up was a shot of her classic 4-carat marquise diamond engagement ring set on a yellow-gold pavĂ© band. The next picture is of Gomez admiring the ring while on a picnic, then her showing it off with a close-up selfie and lastly the couple hugging. She captioned the photos, “Forever begins now”, as congratulatory messages poured in for the loved-up pair bestie. Amid all this, Taylor Swift couldn’t hold her excitement; “Yes I will be the flower girl,” she wrote. Swift is already prepared for the upcoming wedding, according to Marie Claire, and her comment has since raked in over 1 million likes.
As per People, the two pop stars became good friends after they initially met in 2008 while they were both seeing the Jonas Brothers.”We …