Marketing Podcasts

The Endgame is a World State, Popular Resistance Has Set Them Back OffGuardian [Video]

Kit Knightly sits down with Hrvoje Morić of the Geopolitics and Empire Podcast to discuss what form the planned “World Government” might take, the aspects of capitalism and communism it would absorb, the role of regional conflicts, the potential collapse of the American Empire and much more.

This interview was removed by YouTube within hours of it being uploaded:

Our chat with @OffGuardian0 memory holed in Orwellian fashion, as to be expected from PentagonTube (@YouTube) and the World State! 😑


— Geopolitics & Empire (@Geopolitics_Emp) October 26, 2024

Geopolitcs & Empire is available on all major podcast platforms as well as through their website and social media.
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