Last week, news broke of an extensive espionage campaign—Chinese hackers infiltrating eight US telecommunications companies and gaining access to text and phone conversations. Not long after, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a recommendation: Use encrypted messaging.
At least, that idea dominated headlines around the web. But dig into the news from outlets like the Associated Press and more nuanced information emerges. In particular, the targets were government officials and politicians, with the number affected a “low, couple dozen.”
If you’re like me, an average person who binges Netflix instead of tracking every new geopolitical development as it happens, you may wonder how relevant the FBI’s suggestion is. Also, switching messaging apps is no small feat—downloading them is simple, but convincing friends and family to make the jump is hard.
Ultimately, the answer is that taking the FBI’s advice can’t hurt.
Our infrastructure’s cybersecurity is weak currently and though this …