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The Networks Struggle to Cover Motive Behind Madison School Shooting [Video]

At this stage, the motive of the Madison school shooter seems pretty clear, but the network news seems hesitant to report what it is. Of course, this generally means that the motive is inconvenient to prevailing leftwing narratives or identity politics. This case is not the exception.

Of the three networks, ABC comes closest to exposing the shooter’s motives:

ALEX PEREZ: Investigators now poring over online accounts believed to be Rupnow’s that appear to show the suspect gravitating toward neo Nazi ideology, as well as interest and engagement in online forums that idolized mass shooters.

Much of the information regarding motive was readily available and confirmed to be attributable to the shooter within hours after the shooting. ABC is right to report that the shooter had clear neo-Nazi ideations, and her writings confirm her to be a racist. Likewise her admiration for other school shooters both in the United States …

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