The Notebook, the beloved new musical based on the bestselling novel by Nicholas Sparks that inspired the iconic film, is now in its final week of performances on Broadway at the Schoenfeld Theatre. The show must close this Sunday, December 15 ahead of a First National Tour launching at Playhouse Square in Cleveland, OH in September 2025, with additional cities to be announced soon.
Following its world premiere engagement at Chicago Shakespeare Theater in 2022, The Notebook opened in New York on March 14, 2024, and as of December 15 will have played 35 previews and 317 regular performances at the Schoenfeld Theatre. Read BroadwayWorld’s recent interview with current cast members!
Produced by Kevin McCollum and Kurt Deutsch, The Notebook features music and lyrics by multi-platinum singer-songwriter Ingrid Michaelson and a Tony Award-nominated book by playwright Bekah Brunstetter. The production is directed by Michael Greif and Schele Williams, with choreography by Katie Spelman.
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