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This song lyric can easily tell if you are a Millennial, Gen Z or Boomer and this comedian proved it [Video]

In the classic vintage times, before the naming of different generations, people usually labeled each other with cliques like “band kids,” “theatre nerds,” “jocks,” and “geeks.” Nowadays, things like tick-box quizzes and memes such as “OK, Boomers” define the characteristics of various generational cohorts. But for those who don’t know where to place themselves in the newly emerging generation classification chart, a comedian offers a song lyric. Her video drew the attention of millions of people who had amusing reactions. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels | Rene Terp

Comedian and magician Tess Tregellas (@tesstreg)posted an Instagram reel, showing one of her stand-up comedy performances. The overlay caption read, “How to spot a millennial.” In the short clip, Tess spurred a song lyric quiz with the starting prompt “Hey now” to see how the audience responded. She told people that the way they would respond to the lyrics would show what generation they belonged to. “I am going to sing a part …

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