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Tim Tebow Gives Heart-Wrenching Testimony Urging Congress To Help Fight Human Trafficking & Child Exploitation InspireMore [Video]

Tim Tebow is a former football star, but the work he’s most proud of didn’t take place on a football field. Since founding the Tim Tebow Foundation, he and his team have made it a point to help the most vulnerable people around the world — or MVPs, as they call them. This includes the thousands of trafficked and exploited children around the world. According to Tebow, one of the struggles they face in saving these little ones is the inability to identify who they are.

In collaboration with entities like the Homeland Security Investigation, Tebow’s foundation was able to identify over 300 previously unknown victims. While this is great, as Tebow points out, that’s only a “tiny dent” in the grand scheme of things. That’s why, on Wednesday, Tebow spoke at the U.S. House Judiciary Committee hearing — his goal is to create a similar team on a much larger scale within the government.

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