Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan, known for his fitness, recently disclosed that he has discontinued drinking black coffee in the morning due to gut issues and acidity. However, Dhawan’s remarks prompted a response from nutritionist Prashant Desai, who disputed the claim, labelling it inaccurate. Now, the actor has also reacted to the criticism coming his way.
During an interview on Ranveer Allahbadia’s podcast, Dhawan spoke about health concerns linked to the consumption of black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning. He said starting the day with black coffee impacted his gut health, adding that switching to blonde roast coffee was good for him. He said it is easier on the stomach. When the host revealed that he does consume black coffee on an empty stomach, he asked him not to.
“If you get up in the morning and start with only black coffee, even if you don’t have gut …