Your dried-up Christmas tree could be a fire risk. Every year, there are hundreds of Christmas tree fires across the country. They can result in injuries and even death. South Burlington Fire Marshal Terry Francis said a Christmas Tree can burn the equivalent of a gallon-and-a-half of gasoline in your home. “Contrary to popular belief, you cannot refresh a tree that’s already dried out,” Francis said. “So, it’s time to recycle it or bring it to your local goat farmer, whatever, but get it out of your house.”People can bring their trees to the dump to become compost, participate in their town’s pickup service or even check-in with a local goat farmer. A Winooski crew picked up trees off the sidewalks on Thursday, bringing them to the Pine Island Farm in Colchester for some very happy goats to munch on. Chittenden Solid Waste District Marketing Manager Alise Certa said disposing …
Vermont fire officials provide tips on how to dispose of Christmas trees [Video]