Video Content Marketing

Video Inspo – no words needed [Video]

Sometimes words just aren’t necessary.

Especially in video, which can communicate so much through visuals, sound and pacing.

This week we’ve selected three video ads that say more by saying less. All of them use minimal voiceovers, spoken dialogue and sung words to tell their stories and generate emotion in us, the viewer.

In short, they rely on non-verbal communication for the heavy lifting.

Keep scrolling to see how they do it.

Cadbury | Mum’s Birthday

This short narrative, told with snatches of footage and dialogue, is powerfully emotional. Questions are set up and resolved with honesty and feeling, without ever becoming too twee, and each shot is gorgeously composed. A masterpiece in 60 seconds.

Lerners Personal Injury | Help

Being involved in an accident comes with a flurry of different emotions. That’s what this animation for a group of personal injury lawyers shows without needing voiceover or explanation, rather, you feel everything. Although a cancelled project, its power is undeniable.

State Farm |

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