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Volunteer of the Month: Julian Brown RGD [Video]

This August the RGD thanks Julian Brown RGD for his contributions to our community.

Q: How long have you been volunteering with RGD, and in what capacity?

A: Being involved with the organization for almost 10 years, I’ve had the chance to contribute in many ways. I’ve designed motion graphics for DesignThinkers, the So(cial) Good Design Awards, and RGD’s refreshed brand. I’ve hosted discussion panels and given talks to recent design grads. I’ve reviewed portfolios and judged awards. Most of all, I’ve sat in truly enjoyable meetings with RGDs new and old, exchanging ideas and learning nonstop about my chosen industry. I first volunteered with RGD as a Provisional RGD Member in 2009, shortly after graduating from York/Sheridan. I headed the Associate Committee in 2010, and in 2012 as a newly-minted RGD, I was elected to the Board of Directors. I recently completed my maximum tenure on the Board but I continue to volunteer in a variety of capacities.

Q: What …

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