In a speech at the Christian nationalist group Turning Point USA, Donald Trump claimed no one has ever made ads targeting drug abuse and he will eradicate drug addiction with a big ad campaign.
It’s bizarre that Trump focuses on how drugs hurt your physical appearance only. If that’s the case, Trump must have done a lot of drugs.
Who could ever forget Nancy Reagan’s ridiculous ‘Just Say No’ campaign against drug abuse?
Trump did. Was he high?
Maybe Demented Donald never heard the term “The war on drugs” either.
TRUMP: Think of that, three — I don’t know — I mean, how many people — everybody you meet said, I lost my daughter, I lost my son to drugs, to fentanyl — mostly to fentanyl, but to drugs.
Families are being destroyed, and we’re going to stop it. We’re not going to let that happen.
And we’re also going to be doing something that’s, I think, going to help a lot.
We’re going to …