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Weather whiplash comes with significant challenges [Video]

The 10 wettest and warmest years on record have all happened since 1997, according to University of Minnesota Extension Educator Suzi Clark.

CHANHASSEN, Minn. — It’s hard to miss Degler Farms — one of the last in Chanhassen that’s now focusing less on the crops that are getting harder to grow. 

“We went to an agri-tourism, trying to rely more on what we can control,” said owner Gayle Degler.

At the farm, people can expect pumpkins and hayrides and even a spin atop a converted combine that brings customers around Degler’s now harvested soybean and corn fields.

The unique experience is part of Degler’s future plans as climate change continues to affect agriculture.

“I mean, back in the 1930s it took almost a decade to get out of that drought where now you can do it in six, eight or 10 months,” said Degler.

The shifting weather is happening more …

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