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What is Department of Defense Directive 5240.01? Pentagon’s Military Update [Video]

The Pentagon has denied claims running rampant online around an updated Defense Department (DOD) document outlining how military intelligence can be shared with local and federal authorities, after numerous sources claimed the directive opened the door for the use of force against civilians ahead of the U.S. elections.

“The policies concerning the use of force by DOD addressed in [the directive] are not new, and do not authorize the DOD to use lethal force against U.S. citizens or people located inside the United States, contrary to rumors and rhetoric circulating on social media,” Department of Defense spokesperson Sue Gough told Newsweek.

“While the paragraph that’s been most frequently referenced on social media is new to this directive, it does not reflect any change to DOD’s policy regarding the use of lethal force by DOD personnel.”

What is Directive 5240.01?

The Pentagon updated Directive 5240.01,a document setting out how military intelligence could …

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