Soha Ali Khan visited the grave of her father, legendary Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi on the eve of his 84th birth anniversary. She was accompanied by daughter Inaaya and husband Kunal Kemmu. Soha lit a candle and placed a cake on his grave as Inaaya kept a handwritten letter on it. The trio paid homage to the late cricketer and the former Nawab of Pataudi.
Social media reactions
Sharing the pictures from the moment of solace, Soha wrote, “84 today.” However, many on social media were quick to jump the gun and questioned her motive behind sharing such a private moment on social media.
“Everything is a show. Isn’t this supposed to be a private moment??” wrote a user.
“U (You) are Muslim right why put the slices of cake into the grave?? Islam not practice like this,” another person commented.
“But why serving pastries to the dead???” asked a social media user.
“When you …